June 2022

In June 1997 a free monthly community publication serving Ladysmith and area was first published. It was a modest affair, an 8-page newsletter. The next issue doubled in size – and what followed was a flurry of activity with many talented contributors. The readership grew and the business community advertised, but more than that, many wanted to support the “new kid”, a small, independent, and completely local publication. Fast forward, a quarter of a century later and we are celebrating the 25th Anniversary of TAKE 5 Newsmagazine, with gratitude we say “thank you”.
~ Marina Sacht Editor/publisher

Celebrating Our 25th Anniversary
Come help CELEBRATE 25 YEARS of independent publishing with TAKE 5 Newsmagazine. Save the date! Tuesday June 28, 4- 7pm at the Ladysmith Museum 721 – 1st Ave. (downstairs). Drop by for cake, a personalized cover of TAKE 5 and take a trip down memory lane!

We invite you to ‘unplug’ and explore the Great outdoors! Over the next two issues pick up our Summer Fun Guide where we will be featuring hiking, boating, biking, events and festivals.
To get a head start on summer, check out the HomeTown Tourist Weekend (June 18,19) a popular annual campaign that brings together discounts and activities with fun in mind. Make sure you visit our website and the event on Facebook for the latest updates as more come online.
For even more outdoor FUN read our Explore Guide!

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