I’ve always loved the month of May.
Nestled between spring and summer, May brings bright weather filled with blossoming flowers and sprouting vegetables. The sweet scent of my fruit trees promises goodness yet to come.
This issue is packed with garden news to inspire you: trends, plant sales and the Ladysmith Rotary Garden Tour. The Cedar Farmers Market reopens on Mother’s Day. This is my favourite place to shop and connect with growers and producers.
When you are out and about enjoying all the activities that make our community genuinely our own, please remember that this is brought to you by volunteers. Think what life would be like here without volunteers. If everyone said they were too busy, what a dull place it would be! Volunteers and non-profit societies deserve our support and respect. They are worth fighting for. The Ladysmith Maritime Society is fighting to save the Ladysmith Community Marina, a special place. Please take the time to get informed, and let’s hope that May brings peace, love, and understanding.